Cerakote Colors

Not all Cerakote Colors are created equally!


This is something that many applicators do not realize.  MAD Custom Coating works closely with NIC Industries, the makers of Cerakote, in creating a large color palette using only the strongest Cerakote colors available.  Our recommended colors are chosen for the following strengths:

  • Corrosion Resistance
  • Chemical Resistance
  • Scratch Resistance
  • Abrasion Resistance
  • Impact Resistance
  • Coefficient of Friction


Not only does MAD Custom Coating help you choose the best colors for your particular application but we also have a proprietary preparation and coating process and cure schedule which makes Cerakote Colors even stronger than they’re rated!  Our process has been achieved by countless hours of experimentation and testing (and a little scotch) and while we keep our secrets under “lock-and-key”, its benefits are available to you.

If you are a manufacturer currently using Cerakote, take our manufacturing challenge and send us the same parts that you are currently having coated and let us apply our process to your parts.  Once you receive your parts back, you can test them for appearance and protection against the best products you have in inventory. After all, seeing is believing!

Cerakote Colors are not created equal

Cerakote Colors

Cerakote Colors Available

Click here for shipping instructions and to fill out the JOB FORM.

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